Welcome to Shambhala Sanctuary


Welcome to Shambhala Sanctuary

The mythic realms touching down gently upon the peaceful waters.

The mythic realms touching down gently upon the peaceful waters.

I would like to say a few words about the history and evolution of Shambhala Sanctuary, asking first for your indulgence.

As many of you know… I believe the land of Shambhala actually exists. You may not be able to access it by plane, train, or car but it is a place each of us holds the keys to, hidden safely deep inside our hearts. Each week at pilgrimage, we call upon our keys to open the gateway to Shambhala and gain access to our own Muse’s.

Let me share with you a short summary of my timeless tale.

Back in 1997 I had begun working with a Shaman named Vicky Noble studying Shamanic Journey Practice. This experience profoundly changed the course of my life. It became the basis of the Shamanic Journey practice which I later introduced to Second Life (SL).

In 2005, in deep meditation, I was given the name Shambala and told It was my mission to assist in bringing the vibration of the mystic realm back into consciousness. At that time I had no idea what that meant or how I would go about doing so.

A few years later, in 2009, my Auntie introduced me to Second Life and I was inspired to take the name Shambala as my avatar name. At the time I did not realize what a profound impact using the name I had been given a few years earlier would have on my life.

My first year in Second Life I began working with a teacher and guide who pushed me very hard to take on a teaching role in SL. For that I am eternally grateful. At that time my focus was on introducing the Shamanic Journey experience which I successfully introduced to Second Life along with the group ‘A TIMELESS JOURNEY’.

Since then many things have expanded and some have contracted. Wonderful lessons have been learned, some through deeply painful experiences and some through ecstatic joyful experiences. I’ve found amazing personal relationships here. Friends and family from past lives, some needing forgiveness and healing, and some here to bring comfort and support, but all deeply rewarding. I like to say… each one is a gift. Some gifts are just more difficult to open than others but still valuable and worth the effort.

Part of this evolution is about creating a space for the work. The space that has evolved is Shambhala Sanctuary. This name is both a title and a mission. The mission being to bring back into consciousness the energy and vibration of the mystic pure land of Shambhala. I created a

group .::Shambhala Sanctuary::. to reflect the focus of my higher calling.

Taking it higher now,
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Shambala Kimono

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